The first volume in the book series presents in a straight forwardmanner essays introducing psychology and how to live life more happily and effectively. The essays are meant to cover the basic topics presented in the remaining books, and they include pertinent definitions and explanations of concepts, although the reader does not have to read these essays before reading the other books. The topics in the first set of essays range from what are the fundamentals in psychology, to how to deal with stress, to how cognitive behavioral therapy works. The second set of essays is more literary in the first part and more scholarly in the second. The essays range from short ones that are more inspirational and motivational, to ones on change and on stages in development and their implications. Key themes relate to growth and responsibility.

I hope you enjoy the book and invite you to read the rest of the series.



Table of Contents

On Psychology: An Introduction

Section 1: Fundamentals in Psychology
Section 2: Core Areas of Psychology
Section 3: Emotions and Cognitive-Emotional Schemas
Section 4: Stress, Pain, and the Brain
Section 5: Coping and Therapy
Section 6: Psychopathology and Assessment
Section 7: Models
Section 8: The Biopsychosocial Model Revisited
Section 9: Responsibility, Forensics, Causality, Free Will
Section 10: Conclusions

Appendix I: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and
Stress: Definitional and Physiological Considerations

Appendix II: Personality Variables and Pain Perception

Essays in Psychology

Section 1: Daily Living
Section 2: Living Well
Section 3: Hate, Love, and Healing
Section 4: Starting Over
Section 5: Changing
Section 6: Stages in Development: Understanding Behaviour
Section 7: Stages of Development: Applications
Section 8: Managing and Inhibiting, Babies and Bosses
Section 9: Responsibility, Spirituality, and Psychology
Section 10: Poems

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